Bulls and Cows(Easy) 猜数字游戏

英文:You are playing the following Bulls and Cows game with your friend: You write a 4-digit secret number and ask your friend to guess it, each time your friend guesses a number, you give a hint, the hint tells your friend how many digits are in the correct positions (called "bulls") and how many digits are in the wrong positions (called "cows"), your friend will use those hints to find out the secret number.

中文:假设你正在玩猜数字游戏(Bulls and Cows):你写出4个数字让你的朋友猜,每次你的朋友猜一个数字,你给出一条线索,这个线索告诉你的朋友,有多少个数字位置是正确的(被称为Bulls),有多少个数字位置是不正确的(被称为Cows),你的朋友需要根据这些线索最终猜出正确的数字。




public String getHint(String secret, String guess) {
        int bulls = 0;
        int cows = 0;
        int[] numbers = new int[10];
        for (int i = 0; i<secret.length(); i++) {
            int s = Character.getNumericValue(secret.charAt(i));
            int g = Character.getNumericValue(guess.charAt(i));
            if (s == g) bulls++;
            else {
                //if prev part of guess has curr digit in secret
                //then we found a pair that has same digit with different position
                if (numbers[s] < 0) cows++;

                //if prev part of secret has curr digit in guess
                //then we found a pair that has same digit with different position           
                if (numbers[g] > 0) cows++;

                numbers[s] ++;
                numbers[g] --;
        return bulls + "A" + cows + "B";

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