分布式跟踪/opentracing API

  1. Universal Search : 全局搜索
  2. ubiquitous deployment : 无所不在的部署
  3. Use statistical regression techniques to infer that association : 使用统计回归技术来推断两者之间的关系 (所有记录条目与一个给定的发起者)
  4. 基于标注(annotation-based schemes)的监控方案

  5. instrumentation point : 植入点,埋点

  6. Well maintained : 维护良好的

  7. Universal Search : 全文搜索

  8. 对于Dapper来说,一个trace(跟踪过程)实际上是一颗树,树中的节点被称为一个span,根节点被称为root span。Edges between spans indicated causality(表示因果关系);调用链

  9. 采样可以降低开销,但是简单的采样可能导致采样结果无代表性,Dapper通过采用自适应的采样机制(Adaptive Sampling)来满足性能和代表性两方面的需求。

  10. trace的生成开销对Dapper来说是最关键的,因为数据的收集和分析可以临时关掉,只要数据一直生成就可以后面再进行收集分析。

  11. Dapper provides a trace context associated with a thread, and tracks the context across async callbacks and RPCs

  12. 长尾延迟(long-tail latency)

  13. Scatter Chart : 散点图

  14. Host Application: 宿主应用程序;Host Server --宿主服务器;bare mental server --裸机服务器

  15. Pinpoint/Twitter Zipkin/AppDynamics/OneAPM(国内)/SGM

  16. Instrumentation:埋点(埋点,收集,分析挖掘,展示等全套系统经验)

  17. Distributed Tracing System : Jaeger/Zipkin

  18. Request tracing complements logs and metrics. A trace tells you when one of your flows is broken or slow along with the latency of each step. However, traces don't explain latency or errors. Logs can explain why. Metrics allow deeper analysis into system faults. Traces are also specific to a single operation, they are not aggregated like logs or metrics. Tracing, logs, and metrics form the ultimate telemetry solution. Teams armed with all three are well equipped to debug and resolve production problems.

  19. opentracing(中文)是一套分布式追踪协议,与平台,语言无关,统一接口,方便开发接入不同的分布式追踪系统


  1. 性能测试工具 Application Performance Management 工具之 pinpoint
  2. Google Dapper-大规模分布式系统的基础跟踪设施
  3. Explanation from The Morning Paper
  4. 分布式服务跟踪(SGM)设计与实践
  5. 深度剖析开源分布式监控CAT
  6. 透过CAT,来看分布式实时监控系统的设计与实现
  7. 支付系统监控实践
  8. 构建微服务体系下的全链路监控系统
  9. 阿里Goldeneye
  10. 分布式调用跟踪与监控实战 (2017-05)
  11. 基于Elastic Stack+Kafka的日志监控平台架构演进
  12. 阿里Goldeneye四个环节落地智能监控:预测、检测、报警及定位
  13. 全链路稳定性背后的数字化支撑:阿里巴巴鹰眼技术解密

  14. Jaeger vs Zipkin – OpenTracing Distributed Tracers

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