- Probability can be thought of as the fraction of times an event occurs, or as a degree of belief about an event : 概率可以认为是事件发生的几分之一,或者是对事件的信任程度
- Quantifying uncertainty requires the idea of a random variable, which is a function that maps outcomes of random experiments to a set of properties that we are interested in : 量化不确定性需要一个随机变量的概念,该函数将随机实验的结果映射到我们感兴趣的一组属性上
- Calculus: 微积分/ 线性代数,矩阵
- Chance Experiments and Events : 偶然的实验和事件
- In many experiments, it is natural to assume that all outcomes in the sample space are equally likely to occur : 在很多实验中,一个很自然的假设是,样本空间中的所有结果发生的可能性都是一样的
- 事件的和(或称并) : 即把构成各事件的那些试验结果并在一起所构成的事件。
- 随机变量的反面是所谓的"确定性变量",即其取值遵循某种严格的规律的变量。
- 泊松分布(Poisson)
Bayes theorem : 贝叶斯定理
simple random sampling : 简单随机抽样 / measures of variation : 变化量度
总体均值(population mean)又叫做总体的数学期望或简称期望,是描述随机变量取值平均状况的数字特征。包括离散型随机变量的总体均值:和连续型随机变量的总体均值。
中心极限定理说了,在适当的条件下,大量相互独立随机变量的均值经适当标准化后依分布收敛于正态分布,其中有三个要素: 独立
- 随机
- 相加
Probability density is the relationship between observations and their probability --- 概率密度是观察值与其概率之间的关系
The overall shape of the probability density is referred to as a probability distribution, and the calculation of probabilities for specific outcomes of a random variable is performed by a probability density function, or PDF for short --- 概率密度的整体形状称为概率分布,并且通过概率密度函数执行随机变量特定结果的概率计算
The relationship between the outcomes of a random variable and its probability is referred to as the probability density, or simply the “density.” --- 随机变量的结果与其概率之间的关系被称为概率密度,或者简称为“密度”
bayes opimization, naive bayes, maximum likelihood, distributions, cross entropy --- 贝叶斯优化,朴素贝叶斯,最大似然,分布,交叉熵
Independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.)独立、同分布
negative log-likelihood : 负对数似然
Maximum A Posteriori Estimation : 极大后验估计; 最大后验估计