kubeadm (Kubernetes setup tool)

  1. This weakens the kubeadm security model since other nodes can potentially impersonate the Kubernetes Control Plane. --- 这会削弱kubeadm安全模型,因为其他节点可能会模拟Kubernetes控制平面。
  2. Token-based discovery without CA pinning --- 没有CA固定的基于令牌的发现 / Kubernetes certificate authority : Kubernetes证书颁发机构
  3. Not only do clients need to know where to look on the network, they also need to identify the set of root certificates to trust when talking to that endpoint -- 客户端不仅需要知道(Kubernetes Cluster)在网络上的位置,而且还需要标识与该端点进行通信时要信任的一组根证书

Kubernetes Cluster Setup using Kubeadm

  1. kubeadm bootstrap discovery design doc




  1. Hands on Knative — Part 1


  1. ZDNet

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