尾延迟(Tail Latency)
- 尾延迟:如果在系统中引入实时监控,总会有少量响应的延迟高于均值,我们把这些响应称为尾延迟(Tail Latency)
P99 Latency : It's the upper bound of latencies experienced by 99% of flows (e.g., TCP flows, HTTP requests, RPCs, ...). In other words, 99% of the flows are experiencing less than the p99 (aka 99th-percentile、Quantiles 百分之九十九, 第99个百分位) latency.
Why is it used?
In most applications, we want to minimize tail latencies, which correspond to the worst user experience. Now, given that we have roughly 1% noise in our measurements (like network congestions, outages, service degradations), the p99 latency is a good representative of practically the worst case. And, almost always, our goal is to reduce the p99 latency.
A 99th percentile latency of 30 ms means that every 1 in 100 requests experience 30 ms of delay.
Network Outrage : 网络中断
90th percentile is simple another way of saying that 9% scored above and 90% scored below (一次考试中,如果你的成绩在90th percentile,就是说,大概有90%的人比你差。);比如如果有人托福考了118 (满分120)那就是99th percentile,意思是说成绩比 99%的考生都要好
Long Tail Latency : 长尾延迟//percentiles computing
Google: Taming the Long Latency Tail - When More Machines Equals Worse Results
Approximate Algorithms in Apache Spark
第95个百分位(95th percentile)是什么概念