Linux ss(Socket Statistics)



  1. DCCP Socket : Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP).
  2. Raw Socket : (Raw IP sockets), typically available in routers and other network equipment. Here the transport layer is bypassed, and the packet headers are made accessible to the application
  3. Unix domain socket : A Unix domain socket or IPC socket (inter-process communication socket) is a data communications endpoint for exchanging data between processes executing on the same host operating system. Like named pipes, Unix domain sockets support transmission of a reliable stream of bytes (SOCK_STREAM, compare to TCP). In addition, they support ordered and reliable transmission of datagrams (SOCK_SEQPACKET), or unordered and unreliable transmission of datagrams (SOCK_DGRAM, compare to UDP). The Unix domain socket facility is a standard component of POSIX operating systems.
  4. 查看各种状态的TCP连接数量和 netstat -aonp | grep tcp| wc -l

ss -ta | wc -l


  1. 每天一个linux命令(57):ss命令
  2. ss man page

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