JSON Web Token (or JWT)

  1. JWTs in a Nutshell: Header, Payload, Signature : 简而言之,JWT:报头、有效载荷、签名; A JSON Web Token (or JWT) is simply a JSON payload containing a particular claim. The key property of JWTs is that in order to confirm if they are valid we only need to look at the token itself.
  2. Message Authentication Code or MAC <digital signature> /cryptographic hashing function : 加密哈希函数

  3. designing an in-house authentication solution : 设计内部认证解决方案

  4. The on-premises part of the system will rely on traditional architecture patterns such as clustering to ensure scaling and availability ( this is true for both bare-metal and IaaS solutions)
    : 系统的内部部署部分将依赖于传统的架构模式,比如集群,以确保可伸缩性和可用性(裸机和IaaS解决方案都是如此)

  5. There are many types of signatures for JWTs, such as HS256 and RS256.


  1. JWT: The Complete Guide to JSON Web Tokens <Great>

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