Kubernetes Storage

  1. Dynamic provisioning is a feature that is native to Kubernetes and that allows a cluster developer to order storage with a pre-defined type and configuration without knowing all the details about how to provision the physical storage device. -- 动态配置是Kubernetes的原生功能,允许集群开发人员使用预定义的类型和配置来订购存储,而无需了解有关如何配置物理存储设备的所有详细信息

  2. A Kubernetes storage class is used to abstract the underlying storage platform that is supported in IBM Cloud so that you do not have to know all the details about supported sizes, IOPS, or retention policies to successfully provision persistent storage in a cluster. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides pre-defined storage classes for every type of storage that is supported. Each storage class is designed to abstract the supported storage tier while giving you the choice to decide on the size, IOPS, and retention policy that you want

  3. 存储卷/ConfigMap是用来存储配置文件的kubernetes资源对象,所有的配置内容都存储在etcd中

  4. A local volume represents a mounted local storage device such as a disk, partition or directory --- 本地卷代表已安装的本地存储设备,例如磁盘,分区或目录。

  5. ff
  1. Understanding Kubernetes storage basics
  2. Local Volume Provision

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