Linear Algebra Terminology
homogeneous equation system : 齐次方程组
- scalar multiple: 标量乘法;数乘;
- Orthonormal basis : 正交基
- rectangular coordinate system in the plane: 平面上的直角坐标系
- identity matrix : 单位矩阵
- Solution sets of linear systems are important objects of study in linear algebra : 线性方程组的解集是线性代数研究的重要对象。
- homogeneous linear systems : 齐次线性方程组/ trivial solution: 平凡解
- finite-dimensional vector space: 有限维向量空间
- The columns of a matrix A are linearly independent if and only if the equation Ax=0 has only the trivial solution. 矩阵A的各列线性无关,当且仅当方程Ax=0仅有平凡解。
- counterclockwise rotation : 逆时针旋转
- reflection transformation : 对称变换
- linear programming problems : 线性规划问题
- linear difference equation : 线性差分方程
- diagonal entries : 对角线元素 、 main diagonal : 主对角线. A diagonal matrix is a square nXn matrix whose non-diagonal entries are zero.
- partitioned matrix : 分块矩阵/Dimension and Rank : 维数与秩
- Row-echelon form (REF) : 排梯状
- The concept of a vector space and its properties underlie much of machine learning : 向量空间的概念及其性质是机器学习的基础。
- Systems of linear equations play a central part of linear algebra. Many problems can be formulated as systems of linear equations, and linear algebra gives us the tools for solving them. --- 线性方程组是线性代数的核心部分。许多问题可以表示为线性方程组,线性代数为我们提供了解决它们的工具
- determinant of a 2X2-matrix : 2X2矩阵的行列式
- Gaussian elimination : 高斯消元法,是线性代数中的一个算法,可用来为线性方程组求解,求出矩阵的秩,以及求出可逆方阵的逆矩阵。当用于一个矩阵时,高斯消元法会产生出一个行梯阵式。
- 化简后的行阶梯形矩阵(reduced row echelon form,或译“简约行梯形式”),也称作行规范形矩阵(row canonical form)
A matrix is in row-echelon form : 矩阵是行阶梯形矩阵
只看非零行,从左起的第一个非零数(也称为主元或领先系数)总是严格地在它上面一行的主元的右边。Looking at nonzero rows only, the first nonzero number from the left pivot (also called the pivot or the leading coefficient) is always strictly to the leading coefficient right of the pivot of the row above it 非零行的首项系数(leading coefficient),也称作主元,即最左边的首个非零元素,严格地比上面行的首项系数更靠右
a basis of a vector space : 向量空间的基; It is possible to find a set of vectors with which we can represent every vector in the vector space by adding them together and scaling them. This set of vectors is a basis --- 可以找到一组向量,通过将它们加在一起并缩放它们,我们可以用它们来表示向量空间中的每个向量。 这组向量是向量空间的基
阿贝尔群(Abelian Group)在群的基础上,还需满足交换律
Vector subspaces are a key idea in machine learning : 向量子空间是机器学习中的关键思想。
线性相关 / 线性无关
矩陣 A 中線性獨立列向量最大的數目稱為矩陣 A 的秩( Rank of a Matrix)/The rank of A is the dimension of the column space of A.
Injective, Surjective, Bijective : 内射的,满射的,双射的
- 当一个线性映射一对一地(one-to-one)转换定义空间和目标空间的向量时,我们称该线性映射为单性线性映射(injective linear map)。
- 当定义空间中的所有向量通过某线性映射完全覆盖(onto)目标空间,我们称该线性映射为满性线性映射(surjective linear map)
- 当一个向量既是单的,又是满的,我们则称该向量是可逆的(invertible)。由可逆线性映射连接的两个向量空间是同构的(isomorphic),互称为对方的同构向量空间。
Affine space : 仿射空间
Inner products and their corresponding norms and metrics capture the intuitive notions of similarity and distances --- 内积及其对应的范数和度量捕获了相似性和距离的直观概念/A major purpose of inner products is to determine whether vectors are orthogonal to each other --- 内积的主要目的是确定向量是否彼此正交
A norm on a vector space V is a function : 向量空间V上的范数是一个函数
Euclidean Norm : 欧几里得范数
Orthonormal Basis : 标准正交基
The Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem : 正交分解定理
Projections are an important class of linear transformations (besides rotations and reflections) and play an important role in graphics, coding theory, statistics and machine learning --- 投影是一类重要的线性变换(除了旋转和反射之外),在图形,编码理论,统计和机器学习中起着重要作用