DataStream Transformation
1 | map | 映射 |
2 | flatMap | 而flatMap函数则是两个操作的集合——正是“先映射后扁平化”: |
3 | reduce | reduce()与fold()方法是对同种元素类型数据的RDD进行操作,即必须同构。其返回值返回一个同样类型的新元素 |
4 | fold | fold()与reduce()类似,接收与reduce接收的函数签名相同的函数,另外再加上一个初始值作为第一次调用的结果 |
5 | aggregate | |
Flink 1.6 Release --- 2018/08/09
Flink 1.7 Release --- 2018/11/30
Flink 1.8 Release --- 2019/04/09 (FLIP-6 - Flink Deployment and Process Model - Standalone, Yarn, Mesos, Kubernetes, etc.)
To understand the managed state, we have to first start with stateful processing. If the result of processing an event (or a piece of data) is only related to the content of the event itself, it is called stateless processing; otherwise, the result is related to the previously processed event, and it is called stateful processing --- 为了理解托管状态,我们必须首先从状态处理开始。如果处理事件(或数据块)的结果只与事件本身的内容相关,则称为无状态处理;否则,结果与先前处理的事件相关,称为有状态处理。
checkpoint : 检查点