Data Science Research

Towards Data Science (Web Site)

  1. you’re trying to break into data science : 您正在尝试进入数据科学领域/the first thing you should do is look at the specific area of data science that interests you : 您应该做的第一件事是查看您感兴趣的数据科学的特定领域

    1. Business analysis
    2. Data analysis
    3. Data visualization
    4. Financial analysis
    5. Healthcare analysis
    6. Recommendation systems

    7. Natural language processing

    8. Image processing

  2. Involved Technologies:

    1. Python
    2. Spark, Hadoop, Flink, Presto, ClickHouse
  3. 对数据的拟合。就是求一个函数来表示数据。本质上和你初中的时候两点求一个线性函数没有区别。

  4. Machine learning is the field of science where mathematical algorithms calculate the specific relationships between multiple variables : 机器学习是科学领域,其中数学算法计算多个变量之间的特定关系

  5. Inverse deduction – where the algorithm iterates to fill in gaps in existing knowledge --- 逆演绎-算法迭代以填补现有知识的空白

  6. Evolutionary – where an algorithm sorts and culls outcomes in a way that simulates DNA replication --- 进化的-一种算法以模拟DNA复制的方式对结果进行分类和剔除

  7. Analogizers – where the algorithm reduces contrast between old and new sets of information --- 模拟器–算法可以减少新旧信息集之间的对比

  8. Neural networks are the foundation for deep learning, currently the most active and diverse branch of machine learning development --- 神经网络是深度学习的基础,是目前机器学习发展中最活跃、最多样化的分支。


  1. The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Data Science
  2. 学习机器学习应该看哪些书籍

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