
Redis 3 Cluster

  1. Redis Cluster Bus : is a node-to-node communication channel (通信通道) using a binary protocol.
  2. Redis 集群没有并使用传统的一致性哈希来分配数据,而是采用另外一种叫做哈希槽 (hash slot)的方式来分配的。
  3. Redis Cluster does not implement strong consistency even when synchronous replication is used: it is always possible under more complex failure scenarios that a slave that was not able to receive the write is elected as master.
  4. Spring Data Redis (Client Library)

  5. Redis的可视化管理客户端,像国产的RedisView、WebRedisManager以及一个官方收费的RedisDesktopManager,RedisPlus,AnotherRedisDesktopManager

  6. References

  7. Redis 命令参考

  8. 用最少的机器支撑万亿级访问,微博6年Redis优化历程

  9. 国内外三个不同领域巨头分享的Redis实战经验及使用场景

  10. Redis 在新浪微博中的应用

  11. 基于redis的分布式锁 RedissonLock实现分析
  12. Jedis Client

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