Prometheus Operator

  1. search term: prometheus operator 监控kube-apiserver or etcd
  2. cAdvisor: 来自 Google 的容器监控工具,也是 Kubelet 内置的容器资源收集工具。它会自动收集本机容器 CPU、内存、网络和文件系统的资源占用情况

  3. TheServiceMonitorcustom resource definition (CRD) allows to declaratively define how a dynamic set of services should be monitored. Which services are selected to be monitored with the desired configuration is defined using label selections. This allows an organization to introduce conventions around how metrics are exposed, and then following these conventions new services are automatically discovered, without the need to reconfigure the system. --- ServiceMonitor自定义资源定义(CRD)允许以声明方式定义如何监视动态服务集。 使用所需配置选择要监视的服务是使用标签选择定义的。 这使组织可以引入有关度量公开方式的约定,然后遵循这些约定,可以自动发现新服务,而无需重新配置系统。A ServiceMonitor is a resource defined by the Prometheus Operator that describes how to find a specified service to scrape

  4. Make certain the port names match in the ServiceMonitor definition and the Kubernetes service definition or prometheus will not consider this is a service that matches the service monitor and will not scrape it

  5. kubernetes-apiservers

  6. You can use theprometheus-adapterresource to expose custom application metrics for the horizontal pod autoscaler(HPA).

Prometheus Operator References

  1. Monitoring External Etcd Cluster With Prometheus Operator (Alert 配置)
  2. 全手动部署prometheus-operator监控Kubernetes集群遇到的坑 (Prometheus 部署架构图)
  3. 如何以优雅的姿势监控kubernetes 集群服务 (book / external control plane components)

  4. Prometheus Operator 监控 etcd 集群 (阳明的博客--Kubernetes training 报警)
  5. prometheus book monitoring (Great)
  6. Kubernetes实录(17) Kubernetes监控方案-使用prometheus实现全栈监控 (control plane components monitoring)
  7. camilb/prometheus-kubernetes (代码示例,可参考)
  8. Exposing Prometheus and Alertmanager


  1. How to add volumeMount for alertmanager and prometheus container #2164

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