Largest BST Subtree

(Medium 333)

Given a binary tree, find the largest subtree which is a Binary Search Tree (BST), where largest means subtree with largest number of nodes in it.

Note: A subtree must include all of its descendants. Here's an example:

    / \
   5  15
  / \   \ 
 1   8   7

The Largest BST Subtree in this case is the highlighted one.

The return value is the subtree's size, which is 3.

Follow up:

Can you figure out ways to solve it with O(n) time complexity?



  • 子树是不是BST
  • MAX VALUE in this sub tree
  • min value in this sub tree
private static int res = 0;
public static int largestBSTBetter(TreeNode root){
    return res;

private static Data largestBSTHelper(TreeNode root){
    Data curr = new Data();
    if(root == null){
        curr.isBST = true;
        curr.size = 0;
        return curr;

    Data left = largestBSTHelper(root.left);
    Data right = largestBSTHelper(root.right);

    curr.min = Math.min(root.val, Math.min(right.min,left.min));
    curr.max = Math.max(root.val, Math.max(right.max, left.max));
    if(left.isBST && root.val > left.max && right.isBST && root.val < right.min){
        curr.isBST = true;
        curr.size = 1 + left.size + right.size;
        if(curr.size > res)
            res = curr.size;
        curr.size = 0;
    return curr;

class Data{
    boolean isBST = false;
    //the minimum for right sub tree or the maximum for right sub tree
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    //if the tree is BST, size is the size of the tree; otherwise zero
    int size;


1 Largest Binary Search Tree (BST) in a Binary Tree

2 Largest Subtree Which is a Binary Search Tree (BST)

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