Performance Tuning性能调优


  1. Stack Trace: 堆栈跟踪
  2. voluntary context switches: One thread explicitly yields the CPU to another, because it requires a resource that is unavailable
  3. non-voluntary context switches: takes place when a thread executes for the duration of its time slice or when the system identifies a higher-priority thread to run."
  4. WebApp压力测试工具:JMeter和JavaMelody
  5. Btrace


  1. Jvm调优
  2. 性能调优指南--计算机系统Java应用程序V0.1(上)
  3. Java应用程序性能调优指南(下)
  4. 另一份Java应用调优指南之-工具篇
  5. 20 Tips for Using Tomcat in Production

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